Put the Green back in Greenhouse


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Why Build the Passive
Solar Greenhouse?

The Building Process

Preparing the Soil

Planting & Yields




Pest Control


Building Costs

Consulting Services

How to Order

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Consulting Services

  • I've been a small-scale organic gradener/landscaper since 1995 and have worked in many diverse climate and regions in the USA.

  • Whether you wish to build a free standing greenhouse or one attached to your home (we built ours 10 years ago), I can assist you with design considerations, materials to use and where to purchase them, and tips on building your soil and choosing plant varieties.

  • Let me help you with your questions or problems concerning high altitude and short season gardening, compositing, over cropping, the use of foliars, wind-break design, companion planting, herb growning and usage and pest control.

  • A 1/2 hour consultation is $25.00, payable ahead of time by check or money order (send to Passive Solar Greenhouse Project, HC81 Box 640, Questa, NM 87556), or charge on VISA, American Express or MasterCard. Please call toll free 1-877-286-2970 Monday through Saturday, 8am to 8pm (Mountain Time) for more information on an appointment. This is for USA residents only.
    E-mail at info@passivesolargreenhouse.com.
Iris Herbal Products
  • Iris Herbal Products, begun in 1982, grew out of my work as an herb buyer for a natural foods coop in the 1970s, as well as years of growing herbs, studying and using flower essences, and a deep interest and concern for environmental and human health.

  • I offer affordable, hand-made, high-quality herbal products including massage oils, salves, perfumes, bath oils and other aromatherapy and skin care products, liniments, incense, and a full line of tincture combinations. I use primarily organic and wildcrafted herbs and oils, minimal packaging and recycled shipping boxes. My goal is to provide individual attention and good service to all my customers. I welcome you to visit my catalogue website at www.irisherbal.com.
If you are interested in medicinal grade essential oils and/or fresh organic and wildcrafted herbal extracts, please call toll-free 1-877-286-2970 for prices and availability or you can e-mail us at info@irisherbal.com. Thank you. 

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