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  • Healthy soil-one with good structure, high percentage of organic matter, and adequate nutrients-can be replenished each season with only one-fourth to one-half inch of a good quality compost.

  • Rotating crops-especially preceding heavy feeders with legumes-and the use of cover crops turned into the soil every four years will keep soil diseases from gaining a foothold and keep vegetable production high.

  • Until any of us reach that magic moment of excellent soil health, getting a comprehensive soil test will help determine which organic soil amendments to incorporate into your soil to address deficiencies and imbalances.

  • If slow-release rock powders are used and/or the plants are experiencing stress-transplant shock, insects, disease, wind, or low humidity-then foliar feeding is a quick and effective interim measure.

  • Foliar sprays provide nutrition, increased resistance to stress, and deter insect pests.

  • The following is my recipe for a high-quality nutritive and protective foliar spray:

    • vitamin C, which improves pest and disease resistance (1 tsp. per gal. water)

    • yucca extract, superlative spreader/sticker and stress aid (½ tsp. per gal. water)

    • humic acid, stimulates growth and uptake of nutrients (1 T per gal. of water) (include only if plants need nitrogen)

    • enzymatically digested hydrolyzed fish (a better product then fish emulsion), which adds the macronutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (1-2 T per gal. of water) (include only if plants need nitrogen)

    • cold-processed liquid kelp, which is full of hormones, enzymes, proteins, vitamins and trace minerals (1-2 T per gal. of water)

  • Use this spray every two weeks during the growing season. Where temperatures will reach 85F, it is best to spray either very early in the morning or at sunset. Do not use nitrogen on leafy greens during the late fall and winter.

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